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COVID-19 Newsletter #4

Steven Ultrino


The COVID-19 Response Center and the administration are releasing new information daily on cases of Coronavirus in the state. As of Monday, April 27th: 

Total cases in Massachusetts –56,462

Total COVID-19 related fatalities in Massachusetts –3,003

Patients tested in the MA state public health laboratory, commercial laboratories, and hospitals –244,887

Malden COVID-19 updates

Updates from Governor Baker:

  • Stay at Home Advisory - Massachusetts residents are encouraged to stay at home as much as possible, limit outings to essential trips, and adhere to social distancing guidelines. The stay at home advisory has now been extended until May 18th. This includes the prohibition of gatherings over 10 people.

  • All schools and non-emergency child care centers will remain closed until the end of the 2019-2020 academic year.

  • Governor Baker announced a federal disaster declaration for COVID-19 response.

  • All Non-Essential Businesses must remain closed until May 18th. To see which businesses are considered essential, please visit this link.

  • To keep up to date with announcements from Governor Baker, please visit this link.

Updates from the Federal Government:

  • The IRS announced that anyone making less than $1 million/year will receive a 90-day tax filing extension, moving the deadline to file from April 15 to July 15.

  • People who are unemployed are now eligible to receive Pandemic Unemployment Assistance under the CARES Act. Apply for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance here.

Updates from the State Government:

  • An Act to Further Address Challenges Faced by Municipalities, School Districts and State Authorities Resulting from COVID-19.

    • waives MCAS requirement for the 2019-2020 academic year

    • redirects funding to address immediate and critical homelessness needs resulting from the public health emergency

    • provides the MBTA additional budgetary flexibility amid the COVID-19 emergency

  • COVID-19 Relief Bill

    • extended state tax filing deadline from April 15th to July 15th

    • includes immediate economic relief to restaurants and other establishments that are licensed to sell alcohol for on-premises consumption to sell wine and beer with food takeout and delivery

    • municipal changes:

      • allows extensions for property tax exemption and deferrals from April 1 to June 1, 2020

      • modifies permitting process to allow flexibility

      • allows annual town meetings to be delayed until June 30th

      • permits municipalities to utilize retired employees and lifts pension-related hour restrictions for employees who return to work as it relates to COVID-19 response

      • prohibits essential services provided by the city or town from being terminated as a result of a missed or late payment

  • The legislature passed a bill that would eliminate the one-week waiting period for applications for unemployment. The Department of Unemployment Assistance may no provide benefits to people who have been quarantined, are ordered to leave work, or leave work to take care of a family member.

    • Self employed individuals and independent contractors can now apply for benefits here.

  • A loan fund of $10 million has been created to provide financial relief to Massachusetts businesses that have been affected by the Coronavirus outbreak.

  • The legislature passed a bill allowing cities and towns to postpone 2020 municipal elections, push back deadlines for voter registration, and increase voting options while Massachusetts is in a state of emergency.

  • The legislature passed a bill that enacts a moratorium on non-essential evictions and foreclosures amid COVID-19.

  • Expanded Mobile Testing for Long-Term Care Facilities

    • On March 31, the Commonwealth implemented a project that allows for safe, on-site testing of symptomatic residents of nursing and rest homes with a quick turnaround. Since then more than 4,500 tests have been collected at 264 facilities. Facilities with appropriately trained clinical staff can now conduct their own testing with test kits ordered through the mobile testing program; as of today, 77 facilities had requested more than 8,600 test kits had been sent

Important phone numbers and community resources:

Call 2-1-1 to get current updates about COVID-19 related news and announcements in multiple languages.

Text “COVIDMA” to 888-777 to receive text updates regarding COVID-19

City of Malden Resources:

Malden Health Department: 781-397-7000 x 2049

Malden Senior Center: 781-397-7144

Malden Treasurer: 781-397-7090

Malden Veterans' Services: 781-397-7139

Domestic Violence/Crisis Help:

Portal to Hope



Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD)


Housing Families


Mystic Valley Elder Services



Bread of Life


Fuel Assistance:

Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD)


Elder Care:

Mystic Valley Elder Services


Other Helpful Links:

For more information regarding programs and resources to help individuals and businesses during this time, please visit my website.

If you need assistance of any kind please do not hesitate to call my office at 617-722-2460, or email me at You may also email my Legislative Aide at

Remember to:

  • Wash your hands diligently for at least 20 seconds with warm water

  • Avoid crowds or gatherings over 10 people

  • Stay as home as much as possible to limit exposure and potential spread of the virus

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Tel: (617) 722-2070 

State House, Room 473G, Boston, MA 02133

© 2019 Paid for by The Committee To Elect Steve Ultrino

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