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Key Legislation

Steve and his office are dedicated to addressing key issues and concerns of Malden residents everyday. Learn more about the current bills they are working on in the State House below.  

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Also known as An Act prohibiting discrimination based on natural hairstyles, this bill is modeled upon the National CROWN Act and aims to combat hair discrimination in Massachusetts by defining natural hairstyles in statute and prohibiting discrimination based on natural hairstyles in schools, businesses, and other public spaces in the Commonwealth.

On average, 63.5% of people display moderate to strong implicit bias against textured natural hair. For Massachusetts in particular, African American girls are nearly 4 times more likely than their Caucasian peers to face suspension, often for wearing their natural hairstyles at school. As a result, African American women in America experience disproportionate discrimination, extreme anxiety, and often feel significant pressure as a result of wearing natural hairstyles in their day-to-day lives.

The CROWN Act in Massachusetts will specifically define natural hairstyles in statute, prohibit discrimination in the workplace, and ban policies that limit or prohibit natural hairstyles in all school districts and require charter schools to address natural hairstyles in their equal opportunity statements. 

Also known as An Act requiring accountability for inequities in suspension and expulsion, this bill was drafted to address in-school disciplinary action that is disproportionately experienced by students of color by requiring all schools to document and attempt alternative methods before suspending or expelling students while also introducing narrower parameters for both expulsion and suspension.

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In Massachusetts, African American students are 3 times more likely to be suspended than students identifying as Caucasian, while Hispanic students are 2.5 times more likely which leads to these students losing a significant amount of classroom time. The RAISE Act will require schools to attempt alternative disciplinary methods before suspension or expulsion, while also narrowing the acceptable parameters for suspension and expulsion.

Judge and Gavel

Also known as An Act providing certificates of rehabilitation, second chances, increased success, and community prosperity, this bill aims to help those with prior convictions with finding employment and housing, and to obtain professional licensure when returning to their communities. 

On average, rates of homelessness amongst people who have been previously convicted are 10 times those without a criminal background while over 30% remain unemployed during the first 2 years after their release. These numbers are higher for African Americans as well, with 35.2% of African American men and 43.6% of women experiencing unemployment in the initial 2 years following their release. 

The Certificates of Rehabilitation bill will increase opportunity for formerly convicted people by establishing a Massachusetts Trial Court program that issues certificates of rehabilitation to those with prior convictions. These Certificates will be accepted as proof of the significant effort these individuals have undertaken to improve their lives since their conviction and rejoin their communities. The Certificates would be used as evidence of due care for potential employers, landlords, or licensing boards and reduce disqualifications in those sectors. The bill will also make sure they are notified of their right to apply for a certificate and for a user-friendly application to be developed and made available to the public through the Trial Court, Department of Corrections, Department of Youth Services, and other related offices and departments.

H. 1318

Medicaid Resource Limits Bill

Also known as An Act to update Medicaid resource limits for seniors, this bill has the support of over 100 legislators and seeks to provide relief to Massachusetts seniors by changing the asset limits for those on Medicaid support. 


Massachusetts is currently the worst in the nation for elder economic security. 60% of all Massachusetts seniors living alone lack the income to cover even their basic needs, with 30% of elder couples facing that same struggle. While many factors contribute to this economic insecurity, healthcare expenses represent one of the largest challenges for these seniors. Nearly all Massachusetts seniors with income below the Medicaid eligibility threshold continuously spend more than 20 percent of their income on healthcare in the absence of other assistance.

By disregarding $2000 in assets per individual and $3000 in assets per couple, this bill effectively raises elders' asset limits to $4000 and $6000 respectively, and removes the cash surrender of life insurance policies from Medicaid’s countable assets. Through these small changes, we have the opportunity to lower an enormous barrier between seniors and the healthcare they need, allowing them to better save for emergencies and plan for the future without putting their wellbeing at risk.


H. 1319

Medicare savings programs eligibility Bill

Also known as An Act regarding Medicare savings programs eligibility, this bill aims to reduce healthcare expenses for lower-income seniors by expanding the Commonwealth's eligibility standards for the Federal Medicare Savings Programs.

Massachusetts low-income seniors on average spend 10 times more of their income on healthcare than those who are under the age of 65. This bill bridges the health care gap for low-income seniors who do not currently qualify for low-income Medicare coverage, opening the door to roughly $130 million in federal benefits for 45,000 seniors across Massachusetts. 

By expanding eligibility for these programs to seniors with incomes at 200% of the federal poverty level, we are lightening an overwhelming burden for our elders and providing them with the access to the healthcare they need to live healthy lives, especially during these difficult times. Additionally, the bill also eliminates the asset limit for seniors applying for the Medicare Savings Programs such that they can't be turned away because of assets such as life insurance. Similar assets which can only be tapped once the holder has passed should never prevent seniors from getting much-needed care while they’re living.  

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